Define the Outcomes

Outcomes are the changes you expect to result from your program.

These can be changes in individuals, systems, policies, or institutions that you seek to achieve. They may reflect shifts in relationships, knowledge, awareness, capabilities, attitudes, and/or behaviors.

Outcomes should be logically time-sequenced, from progress expected within a few months of participation in the program, to markers of change at the middle of your program, to changes expected by the end of the program and, if possible to measure, beyond.

Guiding Questions

  • What are the changes that you can reasonably expect the target population to experience as a result of going through your program?
  • How will they be different or better off as a result?
  • Are the outcomes logically related to and likely to result from the core program components?
  • Are your outcomes realistic and attainable given the level of intensity and duration of the program?
  • Have you moved beyond outcomes metrics and client satisfaction in developing your end-result outcomes (to include skills, behavior, knowledge gained)?

Environmental stewardship

  • Increased awareness of local outdoor spaces and natural assets
  • Increased knowledge of local ecosystems
  • Increased environmental conservation behaviors

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the Developing Outcomes worksheet