The Data Matters Framework outlines a set of critical components that schools must have in place to meaningfully engage in data reflection and learning. These are the building blocks for data use in schools - the capacities and structures that educators need to effectively use data to advance learning and practice. LFA developed the framework through our work with Marin Community Foundation’s Early School Success grant.
We offer this framework as a tool that educators can use to strengthen their data use practices. We also offer this as a tool for evaluators who are working with schools and looking for language that can support discussions with clients by illuminating what we mean - specifically and on the ground - when we talk about data use. Download the Framework. Learn more about this tool on our blog post here.
What are effective practices in data use among school teams engaging in a preschool through third grade initiative? What structures and systems must be in place to support effective data use? These are key questions driving a study of data use implementation among schools participating in the Marin Community Foundation's Early School Success Initiative. In collaboration with MCF and the Marin County Office of Education, LFA explored these questions through extensive literature review, conversations with data use stakeholders, and observation of data meetings in action at each of the participating schools. The culminating findings include a framework outlining the critical components and structures that support effective data use in schools, a detailed summary of each of the critical components, and specific examples where we see these promising practices taking shape at schools in the Early School Success Initiative. Download the Report
With support from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, LFA developed the Better Results Toolkit in partnership with a set of San Francisco Bay Area environmental education organizations that participated in a three-year capacity-building initiative called LEAPS (Leadership and Evaluation for Program Success). The toolkit guides organizations through the process of putting strong data-driven learning practices in place.
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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the James S. and John L. Knight Foundation are committed to helping their media partners assess the impact and results of their work in order to remain competitive in the field and make data-driven decisions. As part of this effort, the Gates Foundation engaged LFA to plan, facilitate, and document a series of convenings in December 2011 and 2012 to inform the development of a framework for measuring the impact and engagement of media work. This framework is designed to assist media funders and grantees in understanding their audiences and their behavior, and to more effectively assess the impact and results of their work. Download the Report
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