Putting the data into action for better results

In-person meetings with staff to reflect on data are critical to gaining new insights into how to respond and adjust programs in light of the findings.
Tips for effective data reflection meetings

Before the meeting, the group should know:
  • The program’s model and Theory of Change – including the assumptions and hypothesis
  • The Learning Questions to be explored
  • The data report with findings
  • The meeting agenda
Plan the meeting:
  • Set the right tone: it’s about learning and improvement – not “gotcha”.
  • Make it fun and engaging! Consider activities such as a data walk or dot voting on themes.
  • Use a varied array of communication strategies: visual aids (e.g., pictures, charts), capturing ideas on large Post-It notes, highlighting participant anecdotes, incorporating small group activities, and creating structured opportunities for others to lead.
Sample data reflection meeting structure

The “ORID” framework developed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs in Canada provides a guide for focusing and processing observations, as well as questioning assumptions.
  • Observation: What patterns do we see in the data? What do the data show? How do these patterns vary by sub-group?
  • Reflection: What results did we expect? What are we surprised to see? Are our assumptions holding up?
  • Insights: Where are youth making the most/least progress? Why do we think this aspect worked / didn’t work? What are the implications? What are our options?
  • Decisions: How do we need to adjust our approach? Where do we need additional data? What are our next steps? How will we set priorities?