Once you have packaged your results, consider the most effective way to disseminate these findings.
- In-person presentation
- Print format, distributed in person or via postal service
- Electronic format, shared via email
- Posting on your organization website
- Press release
- Writing a white paper based on results
- Conference paper or presentation
- Webinar or video conference
- Print format, distributed in person or via postal service
Package the findings differently for stakeholders with different perspectives and/or goals?
- Ask yourself, what do I want these stakeholders to do with the information? Your intended next steps may be different for board members, staff, funders, participants, community members, the professional community, etc.
- Consider how to best package findings for each type of stakeholder, and then how to effectively share the final product with each of these audiences.
- Sometimes data can be hard to digest. Give your stakeholders sufficient time and opportunity to engage with your findings in more than one context so they are well-prepared to provide feedback, or take action!