The following are common terms related to the Theory of Change, but not found in this toolkit.

Logic model
Logic models may be popular, but we suggest leaving them for evaluators. The important part of coming up with a logic model (or a Theory of Change) is the conversation about how change happens and what it’s going to take. If you need a logic model for any reason, add inputs and outputs to your Program Model.

These are the resources (staff, money, facilities, etc.) needed to make the program happen.

These are the “bean counts” of things like number of youth served, number of hours in the park, number of invasive plants removed, etc.

This is what would be true in a five- to 10-year timeframe if you were wildly successful at significant scale. This is often the same as a vision statement.

Mission, vision, goals, and objectives
These are helpful prompts for getting the work started on your TOC, and therefore are most useful at the early stages. They are also useful concepts for strategic planning.