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Who We Are


Who We Are

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LFA's mission is to partner with social sector organizations to strengthen their learning culture and practice in service of equity and justice.

Since our start in 2000, we have engaged with hundreds of organizations across the United States and internationally to collect and interpret the data they need to design and implement strategies that achieve their desired impact. 

What makes us unique?

We take a capacity-building approach – one that supports organizations to sustain the work of becoming even more effective on their own. We believe that the best and most enduring way for an organization to increase its impact is to develop its capacity as a learning organization. In all our engagements, we share our thinking, collaborate throughout the process, and provide our clients with the tools to engage in ongoing organizational learning and reflection.

We work best and most uniquely at the intersection of evaluation and strategy. With consultants who have expertise in both disciplines, we bring a holistic approach to understanding an organization’s learning practices and culture. We help organizations to assess their performance and make data-driven decisions, ensuring they are well-positioned to refine their strategy and achieve greater impact.


All communities have the knowledge, resources, and power to thrive, and all people experience equity, justice, and dignity.




Equity. Everyone has what they need to be successful, thrive, and feel fulfilled, while taking into account that people have different access to resources because of systems of oppression and privilege. Equity addresses that disparity, which means dismantling systems that disadvantage or privilege some and allocating resources, sometimes unequally, to make sure that each person can access opportunity. We see equity as both a means and an end to our work.

Collaboration. We recognize that change in communities, organizations, and systems requires genuine partnership rooted in relationships and trust. We honor and value the expertise of diverse communities and partners in service of shared transformation.

Integrity. We engage authentically and address difficult issues directly. We challenge and hold ourselves accountable to continuous learning, growth, and improvement in service of our vision and mission.

Curiosity. We invite ourselves, each other, our clients, and partners into a space of reflection - seeking to examine our beliefs, assumptions, and habits and to deeply understand the context, needs, concerns, and strengths of organizations and communities in support of mutual learning and growth.