Jessica Xiomara García and Sarah Illing - October 18, 2017
LFA shares a resource that offers a social justice approach to language access, with considerations for gathering community input in multiple languages.
Jessica Xiomara García and Sarah Illing - October 18, 2017
LFA shares a resource that offers a social justice approach to language access, with considerations for gathering community input in multiple languages.
Nancy Latham - July 11, 2017
LFA offers a rubric and tool to explore the concept of strategic coherence as a critical aspect of high-quality program implementation.
Laura Bekes, Elba Garcia, Jessica Xiomara García, and Sarah Illing - June 27, 2017
LFA offers practice-based tools to help us and our partners incorporate a cultural humility lens into evaluation work. These tools encourage us to be intentional and proactive about authentically representing multiple perspectives and pose critical questions designed to challenge our biases and illuminate where we can be more inclusive and culturally responsive.
Steven LaFrance - May 30, 2017
Reflecting on our partnerships with dozens of environmental education (EE) programs over the past 15 years, we identify the three key ingredients of successful EE programs that consistently and measurably achieve meaningful outcomes for kids.
Emily Drake and Alex Hildebrand - May 9, 2017
In a new capacity building study, LFA draws on national lessons and models to inform an analysis of what is and is not working in relation to nonprofit capacity building in Chicago’s social sector, and provides recommendations for how capacity building efforts could be strengthened and improved.